for Mantel
for Mantel
for Mantel
We proudly maintain an ongoing relationship with Mantel, a Pan-American podcast producer. Our collaboration has involved developing identities for four of their podcasts: Cada Cuatro, La Chispa, Plan Cuscatlán, and En Europa No Se Consigue. Our work extends beyond creative direction to include social media strategies, website designs, and more.
We proudly maintain an ongoing relationship with Mantel, a Pan-American podcast producer. Our collaboration has involved developing identities for four of their podcasts: Cada Cuatro, La Chispa, Plan Cuscatlán, and En Europa No Se Consigue. Our work extends beyond creative direction to include social media strategies, website designs, and more.
We proudly maintain an ongoing relationship with Mantel, a Pan-American podcast producer. Our collaboration has involved developing identities for four of their podcasts: Cada Cuatro, La Chispa, Plan Cuscatlán, and En Europa No Se Consigue. Our work extends beyond creative direction to include social media strategies, website designs, and more.


For each podcast, we delve into the specific needs of the target audience and thematic content to ensure that our designs are culturally and aesthetically resonant. We have developed memorable visual identities for each podcast, complemented by cohesive social media content and press releases.



Cover Art

Social Media