A Subtle Remainder
A Subtle Remainder
A Subtle Remainder
We crafted the immersive design elements for "A Subtle Remainder," an exhibition that explores the intangible and imperceptible curated by Clara Prat-Gay.
We crafted the immersive design elements for "A Subtle Remainder," an exhibition that explores the intangible and imperceptible curated by Clara Prat-Gay.
We crafted the immersive design elements for "A Subtle Remainder," an exhibition that explores the intangible and imperceptible curated by Clara Prat-Gay.


Designing for "A Subtle Remainder," we explored concepts deeply rooted in the exhibition's themes. The transparent material language and high-contrast typography carried through to the wall texts and other elements, creating an immersive, cohesive visual identity. This project enabled our studio to take an inventive creative approach, crafting visually captivating designs that aligned with the curator's vision and enhanced the artists' works.


Creative Direction

Print Design